Track & Field Clinic at Conley Stadium, Providence, RI
July 12-13, 2025
Sign Up Now
Attendance for one distance/mid-d, sprints, jumps, or throws athlete to the 2025 COR Athletics Track & Field Clinic on Saturday, July 12 and Sunday, July 13 from 9am-4pm at Conley Stadium at Standish Ave, Providence, RI 02909. A shirt and lunch are provided.
Attendance for one coach/parent for the COR Athletics Track & Field Clinic on Saturday, July 12 and Sunday, July 13 from 9am-4pm at Conley Stadium at Standish Ave, Providence, RI 02909. This is necessary if you would like to sit-in on the training and/or classroom sessions and ask questions of the coaching staff. If you bring 3 or more athletes, you attend for free, just email clinic@cor-athletics.com to notify us! A shirt and lunch are provided.
Check out the highlight reel of last year’s clinic
MF Athletic, the nation’s leading track & field equipment supplier and local Rhode Island company, will be supplying equipment for use at the clinic. They will also have a representative available onsite to take orders that can be shipped to your home or picked up at the clinic.
Clinic Info
The COR Athletics Track & Field Clinic focuses on teaching track and field events: shot put, javelin, hammer, discus, high jump, long jump, triple jump, middle distance, long distance, steeplechase. hurdles, and sprints. It is open to any and all participants. This is a great opportunity for any athlete who wants to improve, but especially those interested in competing at the collegiate, and/or Ivy League level. Cost is $450.00 and will increase to $500.00 2 weeks before the clinic, if not sold out before that time.
Instructors include NCAA college coaches, Olympians, elite competitors, coaches who run professional running groups, and more! For the full coaching staff check HERE, which will be updated as we add coaches and the clinic grows.
What Will We Cover?
Instruction includes overview of your event group basics, technical progressions, classroom presentations (event specific and competitive mindset presentation), general training, and warm up routines. This clinic is great for everyone from beginners to experts as the coaches (all elite level competitors or NCAA coaches or athletes) are experts in teaching each athlete according to their ability level.
What to Bring?
Event-specific shoes (if you have them)
Rain gear
Water bottle
For Throwers- Throwing implements. We will have implements for everyone, but if you have your own and want to bring them be sure they are labeled with your name
Sweatpants and sweatshirt
Running shoes or other athletic shoes
Sample Clinic Schedule (Subject to Change)
8am: Clinic Check-In
9am: Check-In closes, clinic begins
9:15am: Intros
9:30am: Warm up
10am: Break into event groups
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Warm up
1:30pm: Break into event groups
3:30-4pm: Mindset talk with Craig Kinsley on Saturday, and what it takes to get recruited talk on Sunday.
4pm: Clinic ends
Who Can Attend?
Open to any and all Track & Field Athletes including:
Coed, ages 11 - 19 by the start of camp
Collegiate track & field athletes of any level
Masters athletes
Coaches and/or parents are allowed to attend with a “coach pass”. The “coach pass” includes a shirt, lunch, and observation of coaching during the clinic.
Frequently Asked Questions…
The clinic takes place at Conley Stadium, Standish Ave, Providence, RI 02909.
The clinic runs from 9 AM to 4 PM on each day. Check-in registration begins at 8:00 AM on Saturday and 8:30 AM on Sunday.
Distance, middle distance, steeplechase, high jump, long jump, triple jump, sprints, hurdles, shot put, discus, javelin, and hammer.
The coaches plan a progressive curriculum, with the afternoon session building on the morning session each day. For that reason, it is best to choose a max of two events for the clinic. For example, sprints one day, and long jump the next day. Or discus one day, and shot put the next.
We will redistribute events groups on the first day if we notice there are too many people in a group on day one. For example, we will ask some to do shot put day one and discus the next day.
Open to any and all Track & Field Athletes including:
Coed, ages 11 - 19 by the start of camp
Collegiate throwers of any level
Masters athletes
Coaches and/or parents are allowed to attend with a “coach pass”. The “coach pass” includes a shirt, lunch, and observation of coaching during the clinic.
$450 and will increase to $500.00 on June 28, 2025, if not sold out by then.
Coach passes are $200 which includes lanyard, notebook, unlimited access to the clinic including observing training on the field, and classroom session, a t-shirt, and lunch.
Coaches who bring 3 or more athletes attend for free. Please email clinic@cor-athletics.com with the athletes attending and the coach who will be attending with them.
There are a lot of hotels in the Providence area. The closest neighborhoods to the clinic site are: downtown Providence and Federal Hill.
The hotels are only a 10 minute drive from Conley Stadium, where the clinic takes place, and it is walking distance from Brown University if you would like to check that out while in town.
Please note this is not a sleep away camp and no dorms or lodging are provided.
Coach passes are $200 which includes lanyard, notebook, unlimited access to the clinic including observing training on the field, classroom sessions, a t-shirt, and lunch.
Coaches who bring 3 or more athletes attend for free. Please email clinic@cor-athletics.com with the athletes attending and the coach who will be attending with them.
Camp fees are 50% refundable if written cancellation is received and approved by camp staff before June 6th. After June 6th, camp fees are no longer refundable. ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS WILL BE PAID UPON VOLUNTARY WITHDRAWAL OR INVOLUNTARY EXPULSION. Should a camper leave camp due to injury or illness, the camp fee is also non-refundable.
The clinic will be entirely outdoors. This event is rain or shine. In the event of thunder and lightning, we’ll delay the clinic until the weather passes, while we will shelter under the stadium doing a classroom session so we can continue learning. Either way, come prepared with rain gear or be prepared to get soaked.
Event-specific shoes (if you have them)
Rain gear
Water bottle
For Throwers- Throwing implements. We will have implements for everyone, but if you have your own and want to bring them be sure they are labeled with your name
Sweatpants and sweatshirt
Running shoes or other athletic shoes
8am: Clinic Check-In
9am: Check-In closes, clinic begins
9:15am: Intros
9:30am: Warm up
10am: Break into event groups
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Warm up
1:30pm: Break into event groups
3:30-4pm: Mindset talk with Sean Furey on Saturday, and what it takes to get recruited talk on Sunday.
4pm: Clinic ends
Because we have NCAA coaches we have to abide by NCAA rules, and they do not allow discounts or scholarships at clinics coached by NCAA coaches for any reason. This is so that all student-athletes pay the same price to attend and the college coaches aren’t showing preference in any way.
You are welcome to attend only one day, but there is no discounted admission for one-day attendees. We have limited space available for participants.
7-12:1 athlete to coach ratio. Each group will have a lead coach or two and depending on the group size one or more assistant coaches.
Shoot us an email at clinic@cor-athletics.com